This is really embarrassing for me to put it across, but all thanks to some creatively genius bamboozles, a magnificent advertisement was circulated in almost all the leading newspapers across the country that promptly announced ; Kolkata is an island in the Bay Of Bengal, Varanasi is in Orissa, Gwalior is in Maharashtra and the BUMMER of all… DELHI is in PAKISTAN.
All this started off when the Ad Agency were informed to prepare an Advertisement by the Eastern Railway for the inauguration of a luxury train ‘Maharaja Express’ which is bound to travel the vast expanse from Kolkata to Delhi. And they proceeded to do a brilliant job of coining out an awesome map of India in the most retarded manner possible. Humble apologies for being such a critic but this is a bit too surreal for anyone to digest!
The Ad Agency creating such a glitch is acceptable to SOME extent, but what about the Railway Authorities who were supposed to finalize it for circulations? Indian System couldn’t get any sloppier than this!
I just hope that these guys don’t muddle up so royally anytime soon!
For more information about the Plush Maharaja Express: